Shaving Your Head? 10 Things You Must Know Before The Big Buzz

Shaved head, big cut, big buzzAre you still undecided on whether shaving your head is for you?

Sometimes shaving your head is the only means to achieve growth (and I don’t just mean contextually). For some of us significant stress and psychological problems can result in hair loss. And, for some it’s a matter of trying out a new look. For me, my reason was numero uno.

I wanted to make changes to the way I was living my life after my dad passed away from coronavirus. Yes i adopted the usual workout and drink more water to my daily to do list. But, after all that, I still felt as if there was something dragging my glow up down.

I had been unhappy with my natural hair for some time. It was dry, always breaking, constantly itchy, and never looked ‘presentable’. I’d been with my partner for five years and hadn’t had my hair on show for longer than a two days. Call it protective style overload or major insecurity, perhaps it all depends on how self-assured you’re with your own fro, right?

My reason why was then as it is now… because life is too damn short to be self-conscious about something you can improve with a bit of guidance. So, before you embark on the big chop journey here are 10 things you should know before going bald.



1) Believe your reason for shaving your head is good enough

When I saw my gran in-law for the first time after the cut she screamed, “what have you done?”. The look of horror didn’t leave her face after I explained my reason why either. Though you may not receive the theatrical reaction I got be prepared to get a reaction, solicited and unsolicited. No matter how they respond to your ballsy bald-headed look stand by your decision. Remember, this will be the shortest your hair will ever be so embrace the baldness babe. This is your natural hair journey not theirs.



2) Can shaving your head in colder months effect regrowth?

Choosing the right time of year to shave your head is important. Shaving your head in warmer months gives your scalp and new growth a greater chance to thrive, let me explain.  The winter weather is cold, and so retaining moisture when the climate is like this is much harder. When it comes to type 4 hair types growth and moisture go hand-in-hand. So, plan your cut ladies.

Now, if you have already shaved your head and you’re thinking S**T I’m bald and its wintertime don’t panic.

Your hair will still grow in the colder months too, it’ll just take longer and need a lot more maintenance. Just be sure to keep your head/hair wrapped under a durag or hair bonnet during the night. And, try to keep your head/hair covered when you are outside. Yes, even if you only have a smitch of head stubble, keep head wrapped and locked in with moisture.

You don’t have to shave ALL your hair off to start your natural hair growth journey. Dead-ends and hair that has been exposed to a lot of chemicals and heat should be cut.



3) Know your hair type before shaving your head!

Believe it or not some people cut their hair without even knowing their hair type – afros aren’t all the same. Below are the different curl patterns in the type 4 category:


  • The 4A pattern is the smoothest and longest in the type 4 category. It is uncommon for its strands to interlock between curls. 4A’s curls grow independently away from each other resulting in less breakage and longer hair retention.
  • When wet 4A shrinkage is much closer to its natural length.
  • 4A needs a lot less moisture to stay healthy.
  • The elongated curl pattern makes it difficult for hairstyles to maintain a style for more than two days.


  • The 4B curls are tighter and narrower in diameter.
  • Hair styles can remain for longer than 4A hair types.
  • When wet 4B shrinkage can look 50% shorter than its true length.


  • 4C resembles an afro except a closer look at the hair strands shows tight coil like curls.
  • 4C’s coarse nature enables breakage since the coils wrap around each other causing the hair to mat.
  • 4C holds hairstyles for the longest time period out of the other two types in its group.
  • 4C untreated is dry. Making keeping moisture for extended amounts of time challenging if not moisturised daily.
  • Since 4C hair breaks often you want to make sure you are using hair butters to maintain elasticity. 
  • When wet only 25% of 4C’s hair length will be visible.



4) Does Bald head stigma is exist?

There is a stigma attached to femme-presenting women with a bald or buzz cut. At first glance people either assume you are chronically ill, bisexual or a lesbian, or experiencing hair loss. For some of us this may be the case however, for some of us it isn’t. Either of these assumptions are negative so please don’t feel as though they are. If you find you are getting the stares public (as I often did) I tell you not to worry. Smile back if you feel comfortable enough (that tends to throw off the starer off) or just ignore them. Don’t overthink the unwanted attention, it is irrelevant to your journey.



5) Can 4C hair grow back fast?

4A and 4B looser curl patterns allows for growth to become visible after a day or so. Whereas 4C hair takes a little longer to grow. This is down to the tightness of the curls. Don’t be disheartened if your hair takes a couple of weeks for you to see a considerable difference. Once you notice your tiny curls don’t be alarmed if your hair takes what feels like an eternity to grow. If you are following our hair tips, your slow regrowth may be down to breakage which is inevitable. Although it shouldn’t be happening at an extreme rate. Seeing 10 or less strands after wash-day, during comb use, or whilst moisturising shouldn’t be cause for concern – it’s normal.



6) Is shaving your head in the summer better for regrowth?


Choosing the right time of year to shave your head is important. Shaving your head in the warmer months allows your scalp and new hair growth greater opportunity to thrive. As the winter air is colder than other months your scalp will be prone go becoming dry and flaky. To lessen the risk of this pick a warmer time of year. This is not to say you can’t shave your head in winter. Just bare in mind it will require a lot more maintenance to keep the scalp healthy.

Now remember you don’t have to shave ALL your natural hair off to start your natural hair growth journey. Cutting your dead ends and any hair that has been exposed to chemicals and heat is best for hair growth. This can be done at any time of the year however when it comes to going bald warmer is better.



7) Will my partner still be attracted to me if I go bald

This is something that honestly held me back from going bald for a while. My boyfriend loves me yes, but would cutting all my hair off affect his attraction for me?  The answer folks is NO! Someone who genuinely cares for you and wants the best for you then the dynamic of your relationship shouldn’t change. More times, lack of affection will be coming you not your partner. You may find yourself becoming withdrawn or getting in your own head by cause of your own (understandable) insecurities. Confidence is sexy so wear your new look with your head held high. You are still the same person they feel in love with – but you already knew that didn’t you?



8) How to shave your head yourself?

Most people get this step wrong and end up going through the peeving pains of razor burn. When I made the decision to go hair-less I went straight in with a pair of scissors (which is advised. Then used my partners beard clippers (again advised). But my mistake came when I landed my paws on a disposable razor.

I darted all over my head sparing no mercy for my super soft scalp. Looking back I cringe at how I nearly butchered my dome. That night I felt so free and fresh but boy o boy the days that followed were almost unbearable. I had irritated red areas of skin all over my head. My scalp burned, itched, and stung for a good five days. It was horrendous, so I suggest you


  • Wet your hair and scalp thoroughly

This will help hydrate your hair and scalp. It will also help when you get to stage 3 (wet hair allows you to get the closest shave possible).


  • Cut your hair with scissors

Cut your hair a few inches longer than your ideal length. If you are only trimming dead ends be very weary, it only takes one snip to mess your vision up. If your outcome is to be bald cut your hair down to 3 or 4 inches.


  • Use your clippers

Set clipper to the second shortest setting and proceed to cutting your hair. The shorter the hair before using the razor the less likely you’re to soiling hair follicles and getting razor burn.

You could cut your hair with just a pair of scissors and a disposable razor but .the shorter the hair is before using the disposable razor the less likely you are to soiling your hair follicles and getting razor burn. If you have an electric razor you can go ahead and cut all your hair off with that.


  • Use a disposable razor to shave with the grain

Shave your head in the direction of your grain to avoid razor burn. This will limit tension on your hair strands and create less friction.



9) Donate your hair to charity

Consider donating your hair to a cause if your hair is long enough. Adding this to your reason is a great way for your hair to not be cut in vain. Charities such as Little Princess Trust or Cancer Research will be extremely grateful for your donation.



10) Can shaving your head help you find yourself?


Growth happens in discomfort. Shaving your head will force you to really see yourself, and if you are not doing the big shave for discovery reasons then there are two bonuses:  you’ll look fresh faced and even younger (score)!  Shaving my head completely changed me for the better. I gained a new-found confidence and proved that I am ‘bald’ and brave enough -excuse the pun- to do anything. No more hiding and no more excuses. 


So just go for it hunny. If you have been toying with the idea for a while then this is your green light. At the end of the day It’s just hair – or more precisely, a lack thereof. It doesn’t matter if you are tall, short, fat, slim, white, black, orange, or blue anyone can shave their head. It’s just whether or not you are ready to do so – I guess you’ll never truly know unless you try.


Keywords: Bald, Buzz Cut, Scalp, Shaved head, Shaving your head.