You Need A Homemade Protein Treatment Sis!

6 Reasons why? 2022

Is Your Hair Craving A Protein Treatment?

So you’re unsure as to whether you need a protein treatment? Does it feel like your mane has randomly decided rebel? Are you noticing more shedding after wash day? Maybe your hair isn’t styling the way it used to? or all your ‘use when hair feels like complete crap’ hair products don’t have the super salvation effect they once did? If reading this feels like i’m talking to you, We’re talking to you Sis. Here are six reasons why you need a homemade protein treatment.


How do you know if your hair needs a protein treatment?

  1. You’re type 4 hair feels weak or/and you are experiencing unusual shedding and breakage on wash days
  2. After applying water and product to your hair it doesn’t seem to hold any moisture / if your hair is always dry
  3. If you notice your curly pattern loosening
  4. If all your hair products don’t work as well as they used to
  5. Your hair has high porosity (if your hair easily absorbs product)
  6. Your curls feel sticky


Unsure on whether your hair needs protein? Try the protein treatment test!

You may still be a little undecided as to whether a protein treatment is for you. Many bullet point 2 and 4 kind of relate to you but you’re cautious and want to wait to monitor it. Don’t. More time could equal even dryer hair and potential hair loss. WHICH IS A NO NO! Below is an easy at home way to test whether your hair needs a protein treatment or not. 

  • Step one: Pull a strand of hair from your head (preferably a piece of hair from the back of your head).

  • Step two: Place the strand in a bowl of water and pull each end apart (be careful not to pull to hard)

  • Step three: If your piece of hair springs back to its original curl patten then your stands are balanced and you do not need a protein treatment.

But.. If your hair spilts or doesn’t go back to its original curl patten then a protein treatment is needed.


What is a protein treatment?

A protein treatment is a blended bowl of natural high protein ingredients that work to strengthen and restore your fro.


Protein Treatment (one)


Mayos creamy consistency acts as a base for your hair mask. It reverses any processed damage over time. Promotes hair growth. And, the high protein ingredient douses strands in shine from top to bottom.

Add five tablespoon to bowl.



Jamaican black castor oil

Jamaican castor oil encourages hair growth through feeding your scalp nutrients such as vitamin E, and omega 6 and 9. It also prevents breakage and helps to seal moisture into your hair.

Add one tablespoon to bowl.


Olive Oil


Extra Virgin Olive Oil/ Olive Oil

Like Jamaican black castor oil, olive oil role is to moisturise. Extra virgin olive oil moisturises scalp and hair, and leaves hair feeling soft and shinny. Olive oil is also fab to use if your hair needs detangling.

Add three tablespoons to bowl.




Aleo Vera

Aloe Vera has properties that protect your hair from UV damage (great if your home isn’t the UK). Similar to the other ingredients aloe vera has active ingredients that work to strengthen hair stands. And will help ease an itchy scalp.

Add two tablespoon to bowl (powder or gel form)

Aloe Vera Plant


Eggs are high in protein (hence why we need them) but also high in healthy fats too. Eggs contain vitamin A and E, biotin, and folate which together support hair grown and (most importantly) reduce breakage.

Add one egg to bowl.



Protein Treatment (two)


Greek Yoghurt

Jar of yoghurt

This high protein base is just what you need in your treatment. Greek yoghurt is known to stimulate hair growth by aiding blood flow to your scalp. Add five tablespoons to bowl.




Eggs are a great natural way to add protein to your hair. Eggs are packed with biotin, natural fats, vitamins, and folate which together lessen hair loss.

Add one egg to bowl.


Castor Oil / Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Castor oil reduces dandruff, promotes thicker hair growth, and increases blood flow to your scalp (win win right?). Add one tablespoon to bowl.



Honey (natural)

Honey has both emollient and humectant traits that work to cote each strand leaving hair smooth, shiny, and (with the help of water) locked with moisture. 

Add two three tablespoons to bowl.



How do I apply a protein treatment?

Step one: Make sure you wash your hair with a clarifying/purifying shampoo before you apply protein treatment. This will remove any build up and greasy giving your strands the best chance to absorb the hair mask.

  • Step two: Gently section hair with wide-tooth comb.

  • Step three: Generously apply protein treatment all over hair evenly (don’t be shy with this step)

  • Step four: Wait 30 – 45 minutes, your hair should feel hard to touch. PLEASE do not try and comb through your hair after the treatment has dried (unless you want to become bald-headed). Rinse hair using warm not hot water.


What to do after a protein treatment?

You must deep condition after a protein treatment. Protein treatments should not be mistaken for moisturisers. Yes they have ingredients that work to moisture hair. Without a follow up of deep conditioner, your hair can end up dryer than it started. Your hair may look and feel stronger but without this follow up it’ll would’ve been done for nothing.

Shea & Moisture leave in conditioner

We recommend Shea and Moisture Strengthen and Restore Deep Conditioner

  • Contains Jamaican castor oil, shea butter, peppermint, and apple cider vinegar
  • Cleanses and strengthens hair
  • Supports your hairs elasticity
  • Prevents breakage
  • Brings moisture back to your hair

Apply deep conditioner freely and evenly. Rinse out after 15 minutes and follow up with oil and cream (the LOC method)


How often should you use a protein treatment?

The general rule of thumb is every six to eight weeks. Do not over do it. If in doubt try the protein test.


You’re apprehension is killing your curls – try the protein treatment!

Protein treatments can feel daunting, especially when you know your hair is crying out for help and you’re scared to do more damage. We feel you. Our advice is and always will be – try it. Just think, you’re not applying products that you don’t know anything about or applying a product you don’t know is natural or not. This is! If its natural, has properties that help with overall hair health, and you can put it in your mouth .. its generally safe enough for your hair.


You’ll feel brand new after using a protein treatment – after all, who doesn’t want a lustrously thick afro?